
Vivi-Kola – In All Circles of Society


Creator anonymous
Printing year 1953
Sheet size (cm) 127.5×90.5
Printing technique Lithograph
Printer Fretz Bros.
Condition A
Asking price 1'500 CHF
Categories Food | Drinks | Tobacco

“Rouses you” was the slogan when Mineralquelle Eglisau launched the first Swiss cola drink in 1938 – also to avoid giving the two US giants the whole cake. The soft drink quickly became popular and even developed into a Swiss cultural asset after the Second World War, which – as the advertising slogan used here and also taken up in the motif suggests – was drunk across all social classes (after Vivi-Kola sponsored the Tour de Suisse in 1949, the drink was even called “racer’s beer”). Equally central to the design by an unknown graphic artist is the label, which traces the path of the kola nut harvested in Cameroon.
In 1986, the overwhelming market power of Coca and Pepsi Cola put an end to all this – before a local aficionado secured the rights in 2010 and heralded the renaissance.